Welcome to Aristeia, the Action Realm of Infinity, dedicated to the inspired pursuit of excellence. Seekers of power, beware! These magical forces are intended for one purpose and one alone: the empowerment of true heroes in the pursuit of noble aims.
Are you committed to leading a life of inspired excellence*?* Be careful how you answer. Count the cost. Average is average. Skill is skill. But inspired excellence is something else entirely. Inspiration costs itself - to be inspired is to be possessed of a vision, intensely driven, seeking, striving after the beyond, endeavoring to achieve something unheard of, daring to defy the odds…
Don Quixote made a mockery of heroism**.** With its publication in the early 17th century, Miguel de Cervantes marked the passing of an age: nobility, chivalry, quests - these became bygone words, the silly stuff of old-wives’ tales, fools errands. No more dragons, no more heroes and heroines, nor kingdoms to be saved. Modernity was abandoned to the impersonal tides of history: the naked pursuit of money, power and pleasure. Romanticism regarded as weakness. Cynicism regarded as wisdom. Might regarded as Right.