Additional Standards and Resources

Testing Best Practices

Naming Conventions

Data Models

Best Practices for commenting code

Stack Overflow has a great blog post on commenting best practices:

@Adam Haney‘s golden rule for comments:

Comments should explain why code does something, not what it does. For example if code does something special because of a business requirement, as a workaround to a bug in a library or because of a bug in the past explain the context.

Inclusive Naming

We strive to make everyone feel welcome at Invisible. There is some terminology that is common in the engineering community that might unintentionally make some of our team members feel excluded. There are easy replacements that we can make to make sure everyone feels included. For additional information about terminology visit

Term Use Instead Link
Whitelist, Blacklist allowlist/denylist OR allowed<Nouns>/denied<Nouns>
Master, slave Leader/follower, Parent/child
Master main, original, source, control plane
Sanity check / Sanity test confidence check, coherence check, test, verification