🦃 A Game of INFINITE Gratitude 🦃

<aside> <img src="/icons/brain_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/brain_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> Starting now, at this very moment, as you read these words, STweapon of mass destructionaART brainstorming your blessings. Write them down! When you start exploring what you are grateful for, also write down the reasons behind those blessings. These reasons can be overwhelming and the number of blessings can be overwhelming – which means that you are doing it right! You can store these blessings and reasons in your head, on a piece of paper, or digitally. In fact, we invite you to write them below in the Blessings Table.


So how do we win the game, you ask? By being overwhelmingly grateful and having at least one blessing to count per person who plays this game.

This isn’t just a game. Or a game for this Thanksgiving 2022, this is an Infinite Game, and thus it should be played ad continuum. A mission, in fact. For today, tomorrow, and a lifetime.

So when you show up for Thanksgiving with your friends and family, please come prepared with three things…

  1. …a pen and paper in hand 📝

  2. …an open mind 🧘🏽‍♀️ and a grateful heart 💝

    1. Take some time prior to the meeting and find a way to enter that state.
    2. Whether it is through meditation, a walk, a phone call to someone important, find a way to be in that mental space.
  3. …a list of your overwhelming blessings and the overwhelming reasons.

    1. If you’d like to add some of your blessings here on this very page, here are the instructions for the table below. For every blessing that you want to add, type in your name, your blessing, tag the type (you can write in your own, you don’t have to select one of the options), and add in reasons for why you are grateful.
    2. Hint: yes, these number of blessings and reasons ARE overwhelming – this means that you are doing it right!

I’ll go first. 🌻 You next. ⭐️

Uh oh, Thanksgiving is invading! THANKSGIVING IS INVADING!!! INFINITE TURKEYS!!!


Thanksgiving is invading!!! I’m overwhelmingly overcome by gratitude!!! Pierced by infinite blessings! Oh, what a blessing it is to be alive! Oh what a blessing to be amongst you!!! Oh what a blessing to fulfill this mission! Oh, what a blessing to be alive and not dead, to sleep at night and rest, to shower with warm water, to eat breakfast, to eat lunch, to eat dinner, to have friends, to be able to speak words, to be able to speak at all, to have a voice, to be able to sing, to be able to listen, to be able to listen to music, to be able to make music, to be able to see, to be able to make art, to be able to see beauty, to know that there are beautiful things in the world, to be able to travel to them and see them with my own eyes, to be able to look into the eyes of other human beings, to be able to write, to be able to write poetically, to have the blessing of words themselves, words which have histories, words which were the same invisible technology used by my ancestors, to live in a city, with plumbing, with sewage, with trash collectors, with subways, with cars, with streets and roads, with human dramas, with people that would be happy to meet me, with people that I would be happy to meet, with friends that love me in it, that are also tied to friends that love me all around the world, to family that loves me, to my parents and sister that love me, oh I am so INFINITELY grateful, not just for my friends in New York, but my friends in London and in San Francisco and Miami and Austin and Seattle and New Dehli and Tibet and Manilla and Santiago de Compostela and Barcelona and Pedraza and Kermanshah and Tehran and Bogota and Boston and Katonah and Bedford Hills and Virginia and Beirut and Medellin and Mexico City and Bali and Iran and North Korea and Japan and Australia and Borneo and Sumatra and the Solomon Islands and South Africa and Nairobi and Florianopolis and Sao Paolo and Lima and Santiago de Chile and Valparaiso and Athens and Alexandria and Atlantis and Utopia and Aion and Hades and Olympus and Mount Meru and Yggdrasil and Asgard and Norway and Sweden and all the realms of the Cosmos and beyond the cosmos into the cosmoi of the Infinity Constellation and its Kingdoms!!! Let everything that is within me give thanks! Let everything and everyone that has breath give thanks! Oh what a joy, oh what a gift, to be alive! To be with you!!! Hurray!!!! WHAT AN EPIC! GRATITUDE IS DEFIANCE OF TRAGEDY!!! GRATITUDE IS WHAT TO THINK ON! THINK-DANKE-DENKEN! ETERNAL VICTORY TO THE GRATEFUL!!! No, I am not afraid! I am undaunted! I stand secure on a foundationless foundation of infinite gratitude for all lives and all worlds and all things! I bless existence itself, and nonexistence too, just so that it doesn’t get jealous! How could… HOW CAN I FEAR ANYTHING WHEN I AM SO FULL OF GRATITUDE!!! 🏇🏼⚔️🗺🛡🦋🧙🏼‍♂️🏔🐲∞🧧⚡️🎩🐇🦄🧚🏻‍♀️🌞🙏🏻🌈🦉䷀䷀ Especially when there is nothing to lose, for we already have it all. OH, OVERCOME ME WITH GRATITUDE AND I SHALL BE MORE VICTORIOUS THAN YOU POSSIBLY IMAGINE! Because…

‣ for the Good health, Gift of family and a job here that I can put food on the table for my loved ones.

I am Grateful to God for the gift of life, good health and my son Prince.