Listen to random Strokes songs on repeat until they get boring.
Discard the moldy blueberries and stick them in the empty dog food bag
so your mother doesn’t know. Wash your face. Evade your mother’s pleading
to start caring about your skin. Apply moisturizer for the first time in a month.
Draw a few complicated syntax trees. Practice Korean verb conjugation.
Talk in toddler Korean at the grocery store. Yell “GEESE! MY FRIENDS! GEESE!”
whenever you see Canadian geese, regardless of your previous conversation. Split your ends
despite it being a waste of time. Bite your lip until it bleeds again. Binge-eat
through an entire bag of root vegetable chips. Binge-inhale mango sorbet
while watching ABC7 News with David Muir. Memorize the way that
David Muir says “coROnavirus” and “TOnight.” Mimic David Muir
instead of listening to the news. Chase your dog around the living room.
Dance to LEENALCHI’s pansori pop. Dream of the Little People and Fuka-Eri’s
awful sex scene. Regret posting about “1Q84” on Facebook. Remember that most
people you know couldn’t finish 1Q84, so no one will know what you’re talking about.
Go to Costco with your mother. Watch her selectively swap oranges from individual
cartons to make an Infinity Gauntlet of oranges. Beg her to buy a leather-bound book
of David Day’s accumulated research on the “Lord of the Rings” at the same Costco.
Jump for joy when she does. Miss your sister. Observe some cows grazing
on the drive home. Laugh as your mother yells, “DARK BROWN COWS! NOT