“Behold the universe in the glory of God: and all that lives and moves on earth. Leaving the transient, find joy in the Eternal: set not your heart on another’s possession.”


“Behold the universe in the glory of  …

“Behold the universe in the glory of God

Isa Upanishad

Translated by Juan Mascaró




“Behold the universe in the glory of God: and all that lives and moves on earth. Leaving the transient, find joy in the Eternal: set not your heart on another’s possession.”


“Working thus, a man may wish for a life of a hundred years. Only actions done in God bind not the soul of man.”


“There are demon-haunted worlds, regions of utter darkness. Whoever in life denies the Spirit falls into that darkness of death.”


The Spirit, without moving, is swifter than the mind; the senses cannot reach him: He is ever beyond them. Standing still, he overtakes those who run. To the ocean of his being, the spirit of life leads the streams of action.”


He moves, and he moves not. He is far, and he is near. He is within all, and he is outside of all.”


“Who sees all beings in his own Self, and his own Self in all beings, loses all fear.”