Steps to get started on a Windows OS (If you already have an Ubuntu, skip to step 2):

  1. Download Ubuntu form
  2. Download Oracle VM VirtualBox from
  3. Select “New” and fill out the information. Most of the things can be kept as the defaulted values. The Virtual Box should be able to pick up the downloaded Ubuntu or it makes its own
  4. Open the Ubuntu box and complete the rest of the set up
  5. After set-up is complete, click the “Ubuntu Software” on the menu on the left side(defaulted to the left and can be moved around)
  6. Search for “Visual Studio Code” and install it

NOTE: If you want to have it on the menu as well, click the 9 dots on the bottom left corner (if your menu is still on the left side) and find VS Code. Right-click it and hit “Add to favorites”. Now it will stay on your menu tab

  1. Next, open up Terminal
  1. Here you want to install git. To do so, use the following commands in Terminal:

a. sudo apt update --- this will make sure your apt is up to date

  1. You might be prompted to enter your password. Enter to do this command
  2. FYI: sudo is basically allowing you to do root or admin level commands

b. sudo apt install git --- this will install git

  1. Find the GitHub repository that you want to clone and copy it.

  2. Now in VS Code, open a new window. There will be a button that says, “Clone git repository”. Click that and paste the GitHub repository into the box. Save it in a good spot.

  3. Now back in the terminal, we need to install:

NOTE: If needed, close and reopen a new Terminal to see if the change occurred or not

  1. asdf

  2. node

    Way 1:

    Way 2:

  3. direnv

  4. If you'll be working on legacy Yggdrasil repo then install yarn, else install pnpm (the same command just pnpm instead of yarn)

  5. Go to and create an account. After creating an account, click the drop-down menu on the top right and click “Access Tokens”. Click “Generate New Token” and a new npm token will be generated for you. Click your token and it will be automatically copied.

  6. Back in VS Code, create a new file in the service folder (e.g. midgard) called .env

  7. In .env, you will type the following: NPM_TOKEN= <PASTE YOUR TOKEN HERE>

  8. If your mentor wants you to do staging, they will tell you the other links to post here


  10. Everything should be set up now. Start a brand-new terminal and do the following:

  11. Navigate to your project

  12. Make sure yarn is installed

  13. Make sure to do: direnv allow

  14. Make sure there are results

  15. Navigate to the service you are working on

  16. Make sure your node version is correct

  17. Finally launch using: yarn dev

  18. Open up any browser (preferably Google Chrome) and go to localhost:3004 (or whichever port the project is using). This will take a minute or a couple of seconds. Then you are on your way!