Sat.’ ‘Cit.’ ‘Ānanda.’ ‘***Satcitananda.’


The Dream…

Satcitananda. A word of power. Ancient. From the Sanskrit. “Sat” - meaning being, existence, reality, truth… “Cit” - meaning consciousness, spirit… “Ānanda” - meaning bliss.

*Satcitananda is The Star of Eärendil - it is the light that shines in the darkness, when all other lights go out. Satcitananda is Poetry, and… Poetry is power. It is also Meaning. ***It is powerful because it draws down meaning, clothing time with eternity, with words from eternity.

Even New Yorkers - and all secular, materialistic, unpoetic people - want power. Power is universal currency; acceptable tender everywhere. People are fascinated by it, in all its forms - in armies, in weapons, in laws, in martial arts, in all feats of physical strength, in judges and jails, in technology, in great buildings, in bridges and large infrastructure and mountains and oceans and everything massive, in wealth and fine possessions, in courtly influence...

So when I claim that I can give New Yorkers the gift of poetry, or rather, show them the gift of poetry that they already have within them, and that poetry IS power — close to the root of Power itself, and the gateway to all earthly and heavenly powers — such that I can both demonstrate that I have it, and wield it now, at this very moment, and also give to you, POWER BEYOND YOUR WILDEST DREAMS [ARMS FLY OUTWARD, HANDS OUTSTRETCHED, FINGERS SPLAYED, AS IF CASTING A SPELL] - … [Grins, as if letting the audience in on a trick and a good joke, except, that they are the joke] … it is, to you, oh my dear Flat-worlders, both an amusing lunacy and catchy marketing.

C'est très amusant.

Amusing… A-musing… From the French, Amusant… From the Greek, Moúsa, which means Muse, goddesses, Inspirers, that is, The Sources Of Inspiration, “THE WATERS OF MY FOUNTAIN”, “set amid” the fountain of Galadriel, so to speak, because what do fountains do? Fountains refresh, revive the soul: revive, that is, to bring back to life… to bring a soul back to life, to bring many souls back to life… to save. to… awaken.

Amusing also means Fun. Are you having Fun yet? [Grinning wickedly; a grin that turns to scorn, a grimace, and eyes, held a moment too long… as if exposing the nakedness and terror of the audience, under his spell… Held, the moment breaks and the magician’s face breaks into a smile, a radiant, glorious smile…]

Gospel, good news. I bring to you good news! What’s the good news? The good news is that I mean it, and it is true. Power, literal power. The power to create Cities, the power to create Wealth, and Companies that span the seas, the power to create Nations… The Power to fall in love with the most beautiful and perfect lover in the world, who also drinks from the same cup of passion… That love potion shall also give you the power to raise the most extaordinary child who ever lived, a messaiah. The power to be a messaiah yourself. The power to understand all the mysteries, and yet still live in an enchanted world…

Even grander, THE POWER TO LIVE FOREVER, the power to be Lord over all the earth, and everyone and everything on it, or even, the power to make the world in your image, or beyond that, THE POWER TO CREATE WORLDS, or beyond that, to the world beyond the worlds, or beyond that, the power to preserve them, destroy them, and restore them all again, forever and ever…

If… I, maniac that I am, had that power to give… To give you Such power… Such Vastness, such Immensity, such Greatness… Would you want it?!

The Devil took The Son Of Man to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world, and all their splendor…

New Yorkers, Behold! I have shown you all the kingdoms of the world, and all their Splendor! Wouldn’t you want them, and the power that created them, this Midas Touch - this ability to turn everything you touch, everything you see, into gold, pure gold? Oh, the Realms of Gold are realms of bliss, of Satcitananda… Who would pass up heaven itself?

But heaven - heaven is a myth, they say. What does poetry have to do with heaven, with getting into heaven, with heavenly powers?