V0.1 by @Joe Chittenden-Veal

March 8th, 2022

Executive Summary

Product Org Evolution

In 2021, the Product organisation progressed from being a team that was oriented around the ‘feature sets’ of DAL, Portal, Process Builder and Flow, to a team aligned to the core, product-led business functions of Marketplace Dynamics (MDX), Client Experience (CX), Process Central (PC), and Enterprise Onboarding (part of Solutions Engineering, SE). This in turn allowed us to move, in H1 2022 from deployment-driven planning to outcome-driven planning for the product & engineering orgs.

In 2022, the product mission is of course ‘One Product, One Platform’ via Project Manticore, but moreover as the company scales, we will move from being an operations/service-led company to being a technology/product-led company.

Technologies will start to take center stage in terms of how we run our service as we shift more and more to a marketplace model, with Operations serving primarily as a source of analytics and feedback

🎻 Orchestration 🎻 is Key

The MDX, PC, CX & SE teams will grow in size, responsibility & impact, but will need to do so in concert. 🎻 Orchestration 🎻 of the teams, and their work on the shared goals & initiatives will be imperative for a Product team that doesn’t get siloed and pulls optimally in the same direction. Revenue, GM, onboarding cost & speed, CM - our goals on all these key metrics require full product team collaboration, and thus orchestration.

Product Initiatives

Project Manticore ****is the first major example of an initiative that requires careful, scaled cross-team product orchestration & leadership. Other initiatives include: