WITH nondeleted_quotes AS (
quotes.id as "Quote ID",
quotes.instanceid as "Delegation ID",
companies.name as "Company Name",
SUM(credits.amount)::numeric / 100.0 as "Quote Amount"
FROM heroku_public.quotes
LEFT JOIN heroku_public.credits ON credits.quoteid=quotes.id
LEFT JOIN heroku_public.companies ON companies.id=credits.companyid
WHERE quotes.deletedat IS NULL -- AND companies.externalinternal = 'External'
GROUP BY quotes.id, companies.name
ORDER BY quotes.instanceid
total_quotes AS (
"Delegation ID",
COUNT("Quote ID") as "Total Quotes on Delegation"
FROM nondeleted_quotes
GROUP BY "Delegation ID"
total_quote_amount AS (
"Delegation ID",
SUM("Quote Amount") AS "Total Quote Amount on Delegation"
FROM nondeleted_quotes
GROUP BY "Delegation ID"
nondeleted_quotes."Quote ID",
nondeleted_quotes."Delegation ID",
nondeleted_quotes."Company Name",
nondeleted_quotes."Quote Amount",
total_quotes."Total Quotes on Delegation",
total_quote_amount."Total Quote Amount on Delegation"
FROM nondeleted_quotes
JOIN total_quotes ON total_quotes."Delegation ID"=nondeleted_quotes."Delegation ID"
JOIN total_quote_amount ON total_quote_amount."Delegation ID"=nondeleted_quotes."Delegation ID"
WHERE total_quotes."Total Quotes on Delegation" > 1
ORDER BY "Delegation ID" DESC;