woodland creators, fairies, fae

movers, shakers, inspirers

move through me

daughters of Mnemosyne,

my Interim Chief Ingenuity & Inspiration Officers,

move through all of us, remind us

every moment, of that great beyond

from which we come, and our strength, and the source of our strength

which is infinite, called forth to recall forgotten powers for a remembered purpose

give us Silent Poetry or the ‣

or any of the arts which we profess, even in disguise, give us your

shining, your radiant magic, and raiments from the halls of the

blessed. which you are, which anyone you annoint with

your grace and your words and your movements and

your charisma and your gravitas and your

graces - give us your grace, we love

you, you give us the spirit, the

in-spiriting, the in-spiration, the inspiration

