Agenda Item.

September 13, 2022 6:18 PM (EDT)

For tomorrow’s All Hands, I propose we discuss a few of the labors we are undertaking in our 8th year as a company, specifically:

  1. Corporate Structure & Strategy

  2. Companies We Are Going To Start Together

  3. How We Are Going To Manage Our Money…

And last but not least, how we are going to lead our Specialists and Agents to victory, and serve our clients.

I look forward to seeing you there…



September 14, 2022 7:45 AM (EDT) → 11:30 AM

I will begin with some extemporaneous remarks.

Please allow me to introduce myself I'm a man of wealth and taste… I've been around for a long, long time

No, just kidding... Wrong song. How about this one…

For I declare the plans I have for you… Plans to prosper you and not to harm you… To give you a hope and a future…

Ah, I like that song better. That’s more like it. But it sounds tiring, exhausting, uh, how miserable, like so much work… No! No, not work… Inspired work, relaxing, delightful, beautiful, joyful, like a holiday, like celebration, like dancing…

They shall renew their strength, Shall mount up with wings like eagles; 🦅🦅🦅 x 1,000 = ⚡️ Shall run and not grow weary, shall walk and not faint…

Oh this public speaking business, I’m really not cut out for it. Always improvising, doing my best to write in prose, like a pro, and not verse, and pretend to be a professional. I’m just… not… very professional. Which is a big problem. Because I’m supposed to be pretending to be the CEO of a professional services company, that industrializes knowledge work, and operates and automates labor, and does it in a really buttoned up way, wearing a suit and tie, expertly, effectively, efficiently. So I cannot be seen to be unprofessional in any way. No, I must be unimpeachable. Especially when I am giving a big speech, an All Hands, as the end of our seventh year draws nigh. This, ladies and gentlemen, is The Tightrope Walker of Nietszsche. There are no best practices and no guides for me. I am blazing a trail in the woods where there is no path. And you are following me, trusting me. If I fall off this Tightrope Walker, Oh how the mighty have fallen!, I shall fall far, into the abyss, and who will grieve me then? So hold my hands, and give me some encouragement, because if I was a professional, and had the gift of foresight, I would have prepared more for this speech, instead of beginning it this morning at 7.45am, after returning home at 1.30am, after a late night out with dear friends and business partners, celebrating life in New York City. Alright, here goes nothing…