Excerpts from the Brihad-aranyaka Upanishad

From delusion lead me to Truth. From darkness lead me to Light. From death led me to immortality.

Brihad-aranyaka Upanishad I. 3. 28

This universe is a trinity and this is made of name, form, and action.

The source of all names is the word, for it is by the word that all names are spoken. The word is behind all names, even as Brahman is behind the word.

The source of all forms is the eye, for it is by the eye that all forms are seen. The eye is behind all forms, even as Brahman is behind the eye.

The source of all actions is the body, for it is by the body that all actions are done. The body is behind all actions, even as Brahman is behind the body.

Those three are one, atman, the Spirit of life; and atman, although one, is those three.

The Immortal is veiled by the real. The Spirit of life is the immortal. Name and form are the real, and by them the Spirit is veiled.

1. 6

Once Gargya, a Brahmin proud of his learning, went to Ajatasatru, the king of Benares and said: I am willing to teach you about Brahman.

I will give you a thousand gifts, if you can, said the king, and then the people will run and say: ‘Our king’s bounty is as great as that of king Janaka.’

So Gargya began and said: There is a spirit in the sun high above, and that spirit I adore as Brahman.

How can you say that? replied Ajatasatru. I only consider the sun as the ruler of radiance, the source of all beings on earth.

Then Gargya said: There is a spirit in the moon far away, and that spirit I adore as Brahman.

Ajatasatru answered: I only consider the moon as the ruler of the sacred Soma-wine dressed in whiteness.

There is a spirit in lightning, then said Gargya, and that spirit I adore as Brahman.

I only consider lightning, said Ajatasatru, as a thing of brightness.

Gargya said: There is a spirit in the ethereal spaces, and that spirit I adore as Brahman.

How can you say that? replied Ajatasatru. I only consider the ethereal space as a non-evolving fulness.

Gargya said: There is a spirit in the wind, and that spirit I adore as Brahman.