
Theदेवस् Devas - Hindu Pantheon encompasses a diverse and intricate assembly of deities, known as Devas (male gods) and Devis (female goddesses), who represent various aspects of the cosmos, nature, and human experience. Rooted in ancient**शास्त्र** Śāstra - Hindu Scriptures and traditions, these deities play central roles in the religious and philosophical narratives of Hinduism, each embodying specific attributes, powers, and legends. They range from principal gods like ब्रह्मा Brahma (the creator), विष्णु Viṣṇu (the preserver), and शिव Shiva (the destroyer), to their consorts सरस्वती Saraswati, लक्ष्मी Lakshmi and पार्वती Pārvatī, their avatars, such as कृष्ण Krishna, and a multitude of other gods and goddesses, each venerated for their distinct roles in cosmic functions, spiritual guidance, and as symbolic archetypes in the human journey of life, morality, and enlightenment.


देवस् Devas - Hindu Pantheon

ब्रह्मा Brahma

कृष्ण Krishna

लक्ष्मी Lakshmi

पार्वती Pārvatī

सरस्वती Saraswati

शिव Shiva

विष्णु Viṣṇu


This is a story from ancient India, from as far back as 900 BC or even farther, and this version of the story is retold by Joseph Campbell, the great mythologist of the late 20th century, who inspired George Lucas to write Star Wars. This story will help you remember how to bear the Aegis, because it is the story of how Zeus himself remembered, except, in this story, Zeus goes by the name Indra, which is the name the Ancient Indians gave to the same aspect of reality:

The Humbling Of Indra

The Pantheon

देवस् Devas - Hindu Pantheon

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