Even with that caveat, to profess it publicly at all, even as a Russian Doll, inside of a Russian Doll, may be a terrible mistake, of terrying proportions… for I am fallible, mortal… and I have caused destruction with my words before… and so… Who knows if my words are pure, true, good, beautiful, loving… what if they are false?… To speak words… with so much power… words which might be destructive… so much power… as the power that I wield… with beautiful words… what if they are sophistry, rhetoric? Socrates warned against that in The Gorgias… the dangers of charisma, the corruptions of power, The Myth Of Giges’ Ring… to wield Rhetoric, without Logic… is dangerous… to wield POWERFUL rhetoric, without equally powerful logic… and trust… and checks… and balances… is dangerous… because WORDS ARE POWERFUL… after all, here I am sitting in a kingdom without a king, because the law is the king here, and the law is made up of WORDS… and that kingdom is mighty in strength… and it is mighty, because there were a group of men, who imagined it, America, an Idea, and who understood that the Pen is mightier than the Sword, and so they wrote what they imagined down, with words, written on pages, inside of a document, which looks like paper, but is really stronger than stone, and that page was an explosion, which created the most powerful military and the wealthiest economy… as measured by GDP… in dollars… which are its currency… in the world… Because not a single individual, but a TEAM of individuals, came together, and put pen to paper, and signed THAT. single. document. That single document… Documents, which consist of pages, which consist of words, which were beautiful, which makes them poems… That Poem, The Constitution, which founded this nation… which is a Republic… because of that book… written by Plato… In Greece… long ago… who recognized, that humans need checks and balances to wield power… and that the ultimate check to the power of Poetry (which is Rhetoric, which is Power) is Philosophy (which is the love of Wisdom, which is Truth) itself… A Republic, because it is ruled not by a king, but by these words, which give us, its citizens, freedom… I am one of its citizens… but we are… Out Of Many, One… as that team, that came before us, understood…. power is… inherently… dangerous… To speak words of destruction… could destroy a company… would destroy a company… would destroy this company… which I would never willingly do… I would never write or speak such words… because I am its imaginer, designer, builder and preserver, together with you, today, here, now… because You and I are One, we are One Team… because you are my human brothers and sisters around the world… because I recognize myself in you… because you are a mirror for me, and reflect me back at myself through you, through your actions, through your words, just as I reflect you, back at yourself, through my actions, through my words… I love you as I love myself… and so I would never, ever want to destroy what we’ve built together… even on accident… even on the off-chance… even on the possibility… I wouldn’t dare… to risk it… to risk it at all… not to even risk it one, little, bit… on the nightmare thought… that maybe careless words, in one page, sent through one link, in one careless email, composed on a whim, because it seemed like a good idea, over a week, sent once, on one night, at the strike of midnight, at the dawn of Labor Day, by a certain leader, to a certain team, at a certain time, with the intention to CELEBRATE that holiday, together, digitally, because digital labor was what they did, after all, so it was appropriate, well, proper, and fitting, that he should do so… that maybe, somehow, that email, THIS email… could ever be used to destroy me, or this, my company, built by us, our team, together… To prevent that from EVER happening… I will create infinite spaces, hidden, for myself, within this page, to profess myself publicly, privately, by creating Russian Dolls within Russian Dolls if necessary… and in that arcane way, by hiding myself inside of a treasure chest, inside of a treasure chest, inside of a treasure chest, inside infinite treasure chests… that I will protect the treasure… I will protect myself and protect you and protect this company… from these words, that I write, which are powerful:

Mara attacks The Buddha… Arrows turn into Flowers.