September 5, 2022 12:01 AM (EDT)

Partners, Specialists, Agents, *All hands, all eyes, all ears, all voices, all faces , all humans —*

My team, my company - E Pluribus Unum. My friends, mafia , allies , advisors , sages , muses - family and honored strangers… ALL, present, in flesh or in spirit, attendees of The Infinity Party!!!

Happy Labor Day!

Let us give labor its poetry back.

Isn’t it strange that on Labor Day, nobody works? I wonder why… So, in wondering…

I have written you a poem. For Labor Day. As a gift. From me to you. Because we are professionals. It is well disguised. As a thousand faces. Masked. As me. As you. In the world. Doing this thing. Building this company. Scaling… to infinity… to infinity and BEYONDInfinity… in every direction. Right now.

NOW! Now.

It is a labor of love.

Not a nasty, terrible, gift, which isn’t a gift at all, but a trick! Nor yet, a useless, tasteless, paltry gift, which also isn’t a gift at all… It’s the best 🎁 I have to offer.

Which you won’t understand until you learn the language, the language that you will learn in the Realms Of Gold, where you are about to go, with a link below, at the bottom of this page… But before you go, just a few things… a few precautionary notes… so that we have fun, and don’t get scared:

  1. First, this little gift has been well disguised By a professional.
  2. Second, it contains a treasure, hidden in a chest, inside of a treasury, inside of a temple, inside of a wall, inside of a castle, protected by heroes, among which you are, holding a bouquet of flowers.
  3. Thirdly, it’s a dream. A dream within a dream. Being dreamed by a butterfly… Dreaming to be you. The same dream you were having before, which you’re in right now, this.

Phew. I guess what I’ve been trying to say is…

Poetry is the art of using words powerfully. So poetry should be used responsibly. By professionals. In disguise.

Poetry. The art of words. Because words. Humble words. Are powerful.

Because I exist Now, I am in at least two places… So right now, as I am writing this, it is also September 7, 2022 7:00 AM (EDT), the seventh hour, of the seventh day, of the last month of: