In theory, theory and practice are one. And in practice they are too, if you are a sage, and surrounded by sages, which I am.

Thank you, most of all, for awakening me to this dream, teaching me to listen, especially to the voice of Sophia, while giving me permission to feel, the song of songs flowing through my veins, even as I do my job, this infinite balancing act, this juggler’s feat, this fool’s errand and hope and dream and labor, this magician’s ring and wand and spell, with which I form words from letters, hopefully words with meaning, even as I pretend to be, and am being and becoming, a professional in disguise, yet revealed and professing, and not just professing, but hopefully following through on noble words with noble deeds; nobility, a word which you taught me, to speak and to act out, which I do my best to do, and to inspire others to do, with your help and guidance.

I am a part of all that I have met.

But especially you, who introduced me to the Realms of Gold, and all the ‣, shapes and sounds, and taught me to discern, and bid me draw the sword from the stone, even though I often feel unworthy to stand beside you and uphold this imaginary Camelot, to rebirth this Renaissance dream, which is a quest that was abandoned and probably is too high an endeavor, yet for which this corporate colossus reaches, this corpus, this body, this hero with a A Thousand Faces, this companionship and company, which is yours as much as it is mine, as it enters its eighth year, and we celebrate tonight.

Tonight I honor you! And I honor the dead sages, the Zen masters of ages past, the scribes and the scroll-keepers and the writers and the scholars, who attempted to build the libraries, the books of books, the universities to study the universe… Tonight, I honor all of you…

… YOU! 🫵🏼

… YOU! 🫵🏼