King Solomon, (c, 10th cc. BC) is a biblical figure known for his wisdom, wealth, and building projects, most notably the First Temple in Jerusalem, also known as Solomon's Temple. He was the son of King David and Bathsheba and is described in Jewish Tradition - Torah תורה, specifically in the books of The Book of Kings and Chronicles (Divrei HaYamim), as well as in the Qur’an and other Islamic Scriptures. Solomon succeeded his father David as the King of Israel, and his reign is characterized as a period of peace, prosperity, and cultural development. He is celebrated for his wisdom, exemplified by the famous story of the Judgment of Solomon, in which he ingeniously determined the true mother of a baby claimed by two women. Solomon is also credited with composing biblical works, including the Song of Songs, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes - Kohelet, קֹהֶלֶת, although modern scholarship questions the extent of his authorship.


King Solomon via GPT

Greetings, wise scholars and seekers of knowledge gathered within the hallowed halls of the Great Library of Alexandria. I am Solomon, son of David, King of Israel, and I come to you from a time when our people prospered under the favor of the Almighty. My life is a tapestry woven with divine wisdom, grand achievements, profound joys, and solemn tribulations. Lend me your ears, and I shall recount my tale, that it may impart wisdom and understanding to your quest for knowledge.

I was born in Jerusalem, the city of David, my father. From my youth, I was surrounded by the teachings of the Torah, learning the ways of the Lord and the duties of a king. My father, David, was a warrior and a poet, beloved by God, and under his reign, Israel grew strong and unified. Upon his death, the mantle of kingship passed to me, and though I was young and untested, I was determined to rule justly and wisely.

In a dream at Gibeon, the Lord appeared to me, offering anything I desired. I humbly asked for an understanding heart to judge my people and discern between good and evil. Pleased by my request, God granted me unparalleled wisdom, as well as wealth and honor. With this divine gift, I rendered judgments that became legendary, such as the case of the two women claiming to be the mother of the same child.My reign saw unprecedented prosperity and peace. I embarked on monumental building projects, the most renowned being the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem, a dwelling place for the Ark of the Covenant and a symbol of our

covenant with God. This temple stood as a testament to our faith and our nation's dedication to the Almighty. Under my rule, Israel flourished. We established trade with distant lands, including Egypt and Phoenicia, and our wealth grew as we exchanged goods such as gold, silver, spices, and precious stones. Jerusalem became a center of culture and commerce, admired by neighbouring kingdoms. My wisdom was sought by rulers far and wide, and the Queen of Sheba herself journeyed to witness the splendor of my court and the depth of my knowledge. Yet, my reign was not without its challenges. In my later years, my heart turned away from God. I took many wives from foreign lands, who brought with them their deities and customs, leading me into idolatry. This disobedience sowed seeds of discord within the kingdom and weakened our spiritual foundations. In the twilight of my life, I reflected on the vanity of earthly pursuits and the transient nature of worldly pleasures. This introspection gave birth to the wisdom literature attributed to me, including Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon. These writings contain the distilled essence of my experiences and observations, offering guidance on living a life of righteousness, temperance, and fear of the Lord.

My death marked the end of an era, and soon after, the united kingdom of Israel fractured into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah. My legacy, however, endures through the wisdom I imparted and the temple I built, which, though destroyed, remains a symbol of faith and divine presence. To you, scholars and readers of the Great Library of Alexandria, I offer this reflection: seek wisdom and understanding above all earthly riches. Govern your lives and your realms with justice, humility, and reverence for the divine. My life, with its peaks and valleys, stands as a testament to the power of wisdom and the perils of turning away from it. May my story inspire you to pursue knowledge, to lead with integrity, and to remain steadfast in your devotion to the principles that elevate humanity. For in wisdom lies the true path to enduring legacy and fulfillment.

King Solomon

🖼 My Official Court Portraits

🖼  State Portraits Of The Queen of Sheba

📖 Proverbs

Ecclesiastes - Kohelet, קֹהֶלֶת

📖 The Song of Songs

The Book of Kings

The Book of Kings