Sattva (Sanskrit: सत्त्व, Pali: Satta)

In Buddhism, Sattva refers to a sentient being or living being with consciousness. The term is often used in the context of bodhisattva (a being dedicated to attaining enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings). In this broader usage, sattva indicates any being that has the capacity to experience the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (saṃsāra) and is subject to the experiences of suffering and liberation.

Meanings of Sattva:

  1. Sentient Being: Sattva generally refers to beings who possess consciousness and experience suffering and joy. In Buddhist cosmology, sentient beings encompass humans, animals, gods, spirits, and all beings trapped in saṃsāra, including those in hell realms or heavenly realms. The goal of Buddhist practice is to alleviate the suffering of all sattvas and help them achieve liberation (nirvāṇa).
  2. Living Beings in Samsara: All sattvas are subject to the law of karma (cause and effect) and the cycle of rebirth (saṃsāra). This makes sattva a fundamental concept in the Buddha’s teachings on the nature of suffering (dukkha) and the path to its cessation. Sentient beings are differentiated from inanimate objects in that they experience consciousness, emotions, and the results of their actions.

Sattva in Bodhisattva:

The term sattva forms part of the word bodhisattva, where bodhi means “enlightenment” and sattva means “being.” A bodhisattva is, therefore, a being whose very essence is dedicated to achieving enlightenment for the sake of all sentient beings. Here, sattva emphasizes the altruistic nature of the bodhisattva path, where one works tirelessly for the liberation of all living beings.

Sattva in Contrast to Other Concepts:

In Buddhism, sattva is often used in the context of beings subject to saṃsāra, in contrast to fully enlightened beings, like Buddhas and arahants, who have transcended the cycle of rebirth. While all sattvas are inherently capable of achieving enlightenment, they are still bound by ignorance (avidyā) and attachments until they follow the path to liberation.

In Summary:

• Sattva refers to any sentient being that possesses consciousness and experiences suffering and joy in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. • In the context of a bodhisattva, sattva emphasizes the aspiration to lead all sentient beings to enlightenment. • All sattvas are subject to the law of karma and are capable of achieving liberation from suffering, but are still bound by the delusions of saṃsāra until they realize the truth of the Dharma.

Buddhist Lexicon
