From 13. Fellowship to 45. Massing ultimately yields 8. Union, a natural and yet miraculous procession, which only the rarest magicians remember to wield. … Whatever you do with this esoteric knowledge, don't forget, Count Your Blessings !

DALL·E 2022-11-25 09.47.48 - cyberpunk illustration of I Ching Dynamic 13. ䷌ T'ung Jên, FELLOWSHIP, FELLOWSHIP with Men, Women and Unicorns!! 🦄 And turkeys 🦃, don't forget, coun.png

👨🏻‍🌾 13. ䷌ T'ung Jên, FELLOWSHIP 👫

FELLOWSHIP with 👬 Men, 👭 Women and Unicorns!! 🦄

And turkeys!! 🦃…

DALL·E 2022-11-25 09.53.26 - cyberpunk illustration, I Ching, Dynamic 45. 𝍀 Ts'ui, Gathering Together, MASSING, _GATHERING TOGETHER. Success. The king approaches his temple. It f.png

👩🏻‍✈️ 45. 𝍀 Ts'ui, Gathering Together, MASSING 👨🏻‍✈️

"GATHERING TOGETHER. Success. The king approaches his temple. It furthers one to see the great man." 🎉🎊🍾

🌎 8. ䷇ Pi, Holding Together, UNION ✊🏽

Leviathan has been summoned! 🌎 “On the earth is water: The image of HOLDING TOGETHER.” ✊🏽 “Thus the kings of antiquity, bestowed the different states as fiefs, and cultivated friendly relations, with the feudal lords.”

DALL·E 2022-11-25 09.54.16 - cyberpunk illustration, I Ching, Dynamic 45. 𝍀 Ts'ui, Gathering Together, MASSING, _GATHERING TOGETHER. Success. The king approaches his temple. It f.png


Return to Mysterion, or study further, the The 64 Dynamics Of The I Ching, and all their pattenrs and combinations, of which this is but one. If curiosity moves you, why not dance to all of the ䷀ Dynamics we celebrate here?