The Yoga Sutras is a foundational text of classical yoga philosophy, attributed to the ancient sage Patanjali, and composed around 400 CE. This concise and profound work consists of 196 aphorisms, or “sutras,” which systematically outline the theory and practice of yoga, offering a path to spiritual enlightenment and liberation (moksha). The Yoga Sutras are divided into four chapters, or padas
The Yoga Sutras emphasize the importance of disciplined practice (abhyasa) and detachment (vairagya) in overcoming the distractions of the mind and achieving a state of inner peace and clarity. The text serves as a comprehensive guide for those seeking to understand and practice yoga in its fullest sense—not just as a physical exercise, but as a spiritual path leading to the ultimate goal of self-realization.
Over the centuries, the Yoga Sutras have been extensively commented upon by various scholars, including Vyasa, Shankaracharya, and Vijnanabhikshu, each offering interpretations that have shaped different schools of thought within the yoga tradition.