Atappa (Untroubled Realm)

Atappa (Pāli: अतप्प, meaning “Untroubled” or “Without Disturbance”) is one of the five सुद्धावास Suddhāvāsa (Pure Abodes) in Buddhist Cosmology. These Pure Abodes are located within the रूपधातु Rūpadhātu (form realm) and are accessible only to अनागामी Anāgāmīs (Non-Returners), advanced spiritual practitioners who have attained the third of the four stages of enlightenment. Atappa is the second of these Pure Abodes, just above Aviha and below Sudassa.

The Pure Abodes

The Suddhāvāsa (Pure Abodes) are five unique realms reserved exclusively for beings who have reached the stage of Anāgāmī. These realms provide the ideal conditions for continuing one’s spiritual practice and ultimately reaching full enlightenment (arahantship). The five Pure Abodes, listed from lowest to highest, are:

  1. अविह Aviha: The “Not-Falling” realm.
  2. अतप्प Atappa: The “Untroubled” realm.
  3. सुदस्स Sudassa: The “Beautiful” realm.
  4. सुदस्सी Sudassi: The “Clear-Seer” realm.
  5. अकनिट्ठ Akanittha: The “Highest” or “Peerless” realm.

Significance of Atappa

Atappa, meaning “Untroubled,” reflects the peace and serenity of the beings who reside in this realm. The name signifies that those in Atappa are free from the disturbances and distractions of the lower realms, such as sensual desires, ill-will, and ignorance. The beings residing here have overcome the five lower fetters (Saṃyojana)—including attachment to sensory pleasures and belief in a permanent self—allowing them to dwell in a state of profound calm and focus on the remaining steps of their spiritual development.

The term “Untroubled” also implies that beings in Atappa have reached a stage of mental and emotional stability that is free from the turmoil associated with samsaric existence. They are no longer subject to the defilements and karmic forces that would otherwise lead them back into the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.

Progress Toward Enlightenment

In Atappa, beings continue their spiritual practice, refining their wisdom and meditation, with the ultimate goal of attaining arahantship (full enlightenment). This realm provides the perfect conditions for completing the final stages of the path, as it is free from the distractions and obstacles found in the lower realms.

While the beings in Atappa are still working to eliminate the subtler fetters—such as attachment to the formless realms, pride, and ignorance—they are assured of their eventual enlightenment. Once these remaining fetters are overcome, they will reach full liberation from samsara.


Atappa is the second of the five Pure Abodes, representing a state of peace and freedom from the disturbances of samsaric existence. It serves as a sanctuary for Anāgāmīs who are close to attaining full enlightenment. The beings in Atappa are “Untroubled” by the distractions of the lower realms and are deeply engaged in their final spiritual practices, leading to the complete eradication of suffering and the attainment of nirvāṇa.

Buddhist Lexicon

अविह Aviha

अतप्प Atappa

अकनिट्ठ Akanittha

अनागामी Anāgāmī

Buddhist Cosmology

रूपधातु Rūpadhātu


सुदस्सी Sudassi

सुदस्स Sudassa

सुद्धावास Suddhāvāsa