Suddhāvāsa (Pure Abodes)

Suddhāvāsa (Pāli: सुद्धावास, meaning “Pure Abodes”) refers to a group of five special realms in Buddhist cosmology located within the रूपधातु Rūpadhātu (Form Realm). These Pure Abodes are reserved exclusively for advanced spiritual practitioners known as Anāgāmīs (Non-Returners), who have reached the third of the four stages of enlightenment. Beings reborn in the Suddhāvāsa will not return to lower realms and are destined to attain full enlightenment (Arahantship) in these realms.

The Pure Abodes in the Rūpadhātu

The Suddhāvāsa are among the highest realms in the Rūpadhātu, which is the realm of form, free from the sensual desires that characterize the Kāmadhātu (Sensual Realm). The beings in the Suddhāvāsa have already overcome the five lower fetters (Saṃyojana)—attachment to the belief in a permanent self, doubt, attachment to rites and rituals, sensual desire, and ill-will—that keep beings bound to the lower realms of संसार Saṃsāra (the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth).

The five Suddhāvāsa realms, listed from lowest to highest, are:

  1. अविह Aviha: The “Not-Falling” realm.
  2. अतप्प Atappa: The “Untroubled” realm.
  3. सुदस्स Sudassa: The “Beautiful” realm.
  4. सुदस्सी Sudassi : The “Clear-Seer” realm.
  5. अकनिट्ठ Akanittha: The “Highest” or “Peerless” realm.

Inhabitants and Significance

The Suddhāvāsa are unique in that they are inhabited only by Anāgāmīs, those who have reached an advanced stage of spiritual development and will never again be reborn in lower realms such as the human realm or the lower heavenly realms. These beings have transcended attachment to sensory pleasures and are close to achieving complete enlightenment.

Beings reborn in the Suddhāvāsa realms continue their spiritual practice in an environment free from the distractions and suffering of the lower realms. Their spiritual progress is assured, and they will attain arahantship—complete liberation from the cycle of samsara—before passing away from these realms.

Spiritual Significance

The Suddhāvāsa realms represent the pinnacle of spiritual attainment short of full enlightenment. They are the final stages of the journey before complete liberation, providing an ideal setting for the refinement of wisdom and the eradication of the higher fetters, such as attachment to form, subtle pride, and ignorance.

Because beings in the Suddhāvāsa have already overcome the lower fetters, they no longer experience the hindrances associated with craving, ill-will, and sensual desires. Instead, they dwell in states of deep meditation and insight, progressing toward the final eradication of the remaining fetters and achieving nirvāṇa.


Suddhāvāsa, or the Pure Abodes, are a set of five exalted realms within the Rūpadhātu that are reserved for Anāgāmīs—beings who have overcome the lower fetters and are on the verge of attaining full enlightenment. These realms provide the perfect conditions for advanced spiritual practice, allowing beings to complete their journey to arahantship without the distractions of the lower realms. Once reborn in the Suddhāvāsa, beings are assured of attaining final liberation from samsara.

Buddhist Lexicon

अविह Aviha

अतप्प Atappa

अकनिट्ठ Akanittha

अनागामी Anāgāmī

अर्हत् Arahant


रूपधातु Rūpadhātu


सुदस्सी Sudassi

सुदस्स Sudassa

सुद्धावास Suddhāvāsa