The atomic Scenarios of The I Ching - Yìjīng, 易经 are the basic 🧬 building 🧱 blocks 🦠 of life’s Dynamics: each corresponds to an archetypal interaction - which are universal and recurring.

That is why, depending on your metaphor-🌉-bridge, you can use them to master The Art Of Peace — like my master, Master Lao Tzu — or, The Art Of War - 孙子兵法, like me.

Because change is constant, the elemental situations give way to each other, in endless sequences & infinite molecular Combinations, emerging as those Situations and this situation, the pattern of variations we call LIFE.

Study them carefully, and much 🧧 will be yours. Like me...

Yours truly,

Sun Tzu

🐯 The superior man changes like a panther. 🐅

⚛️ Combinations

Because the 64 elemental Scenarios of The I Ching - Yìjīng, 易经 can combine in any sequence, there are infinite molecular Combinations. But even if we limit the exercise to variations of two, with repetition allowed… we arrive at 4096 possible combinations (64x64=64²=4096). It could be said that any situation in life corresponds to one of these.

If we open it up just a little bit, and allow for sequences of 3, with no repetition allowed, there are **262,144 possible combinations (64³). ****It could be said that any situation in life corresponds to one of these. Although it might be asked, are even the masters capable of such deep pattern recognition?

Opening it up fully, to up to sequences of 64, still with no repetition allowed, there are 3.9402006196394×10^115 possible combinations (64^64)- a mind boggling sum: greater than the estimated number of atoms in the universe (10^82). 🤯⚛️🌌

(Deja vu? Yes, you are fast asleep. This is indeed **The Dream…)

To initiate you into the Dynamics of life, let’s begin to count just the variations of 2:

  1. 1 ䷀ & 1 ䷀
  2. 1 ䷀ & 2 ䷁
  3. 2 ䷁ & 2 ䷁
  4. 2 ䷁ & 1 ䷀

That fourth combination is important, because it is a repetition of the second, but in reverse order, which matters in The I Ching - Yìjīng, 易经, just as it matters in life: for example, going up a hill and going down a hill are very different, even if it is the same hill! (🚵‍♂️🏔🚵‍♂️)