The त्रिरत्न Triratna, or Three Jewels, form the core foundation of Buddhist practice and faith. Comprised of The Buddha (The Enlightened One), धर्म Dharma (The Teachings of The Buddha), and the सङ्घ Sangha (the community of practitioners), the त्रिरत्न Triratna represents the guiding principles for those seeking to follow the Buddhist path. The Buddha symbolizes the ideal of enlightenment, the धर्म Dharma provides the spiritual and ethical teachings necessary for achieving enlightenment, and the सङ्घ Sangha offers the support and companionship essential for progress on the spiritual journey. Together, these three elements encapsulate the essence of Buddhism and are revered and sought refuge in by practitioners around the world.

त्रिरत्न Triratna

Three Jewels

Buddhist Lexicon

सङ्घ Sangha

त्रिरत्न Triratna