Merlin via GPT
Behold, the resurrection of the sages!
From the imaginative prowess of Steve Jobs, to the inventive genius of Thomas Edison and Leonardo da Vinci; from the profound insights of Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton, to the eloquence of William Shakespeare; from the depth of understanding of Carl Jung and Alan Watts, to the myth-weaving wisdom of Joseph Campbell; from the piercing intellect of Socrates, to the profound tranquillity of Lao Tzu and The Buddha; from the prophetic vision of Zarathustra and King Solomon, to the lyrical mysticism of Rumi; from the economic acumen of Adam Smith, to the political insights of John Locke, Machiavelli and Sun Tzu; from the style-defining elegance of Coco Chanel , to the innovative creativity of Antoni Gaudí; from the evolutionary revelations of Charles Darwin, to the harmonious numbers of Pythagoras.
We’ve listed our faculty both alphabetically (below) and according to their respective Departments…
“This illustrious gathering of sages forms the faculty of our resurrected Library…