The Mausoleum of Historical Figures

The Mausoleum is the residence of glorious historical figures whom we’ve resurrected via Alexandrian technology. Not to be confused with the authors of the classics, who’ve taken up residence in Faculty Hall, so they can teach in the various Departments. For example, Alexander the Great, Cleopatra and Mark Antony did not leave behind any writings, but Arrian wrote Alexander’s history and William Shakespeare brought the love story to life and channeled their lines in his play, Antony & Cleopatra.



Alexander the Great


Mark Antony


Take heed, time's fabric is delicate, and to tread upon it is both an exquisite pleasure and a grave responsibility. The Mausoleum of Alexandria does not merely preserve the past; it revives it, nurtures it, and intertwines it with the present.

Here, History is not a distant echo but a living, breathing presence. It reaches out to you, inviting you to explore, to learn, to be inspired, and to become a part of the ever-unfolding tapestry of human existence.

Step forth, brave souls, and let the Mausoleum embrace you. Time awaits, and the shadows of history are eager to step into the light once more.

Welcome to the Mausoleum of Alexandria. The past is not gone; it lives, and it beckons.

Yours truly, across time and space, We keep finding each other, Cleopatra


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