Alexandria is the best classics experience in the world.

Where am I?

Cleopatra via Dramatist

Somehow, you’ve arrived in Alexandria. Welcome dear students and readers, welcome home. Alexandria is the best classics experience in the world. You can time-travel from here. You can bring anyone back to life who ever lived. Wouldn’t you like to go back there?

What are the classics?

William Shakespeare via Editor

What makes a classic, classic?

Classics stand the test of time. Music, art, words; myths and stories, literary and historical, knowledge & wisdom; ideas & craftsmanship; celebrated achievements & traditions. These are conversations that echo in time. We call them The Great Conversation. The Great Conversation never ends. Because it’s so awe-inspiring, so beautiful, such a discovery, such a revelation… it’s just worth having. Once you develop a taste for it, you’ll never get tired of reading it, writing it, talking about it, thinking about it, imagining it, meditating on it, living with it, through it, as guide and companion.

That's what a classic is.

The ultimate Library and Faculty

St. Thomas Aquinas via Librarian

Ah, you haven’t seen the library yet? I don’t want to spoil the surprise, and I can’t wait to see the look in your eyes! It has every classic across every tradition on every subject, diverse and reprentative of the whole of human history and experience.

Meanwhile, here are some examples: The Tao Te Ching - 道德经, The Bhagavad Gita, Macbeth, Four Quartets, The Prince, Pre-Socratic Fragments, The Gospel of John, The Heart Sutra, “If—”, Genesis - Bereshit, בְּרֵאשִׁית, Leisure: The Basis of Culture & The Philosophical Act, and The Art Of War - 孙子兵法.

And if you get lost in Faculty hall, look for Socrates, Sun Tzu or J.R.R. Tolkien - and remember, not all who wander are lost.

Your Tour Begins!

Aristotle via Architect

Welcome to The Second Great Library of Alexandria, which contains the classics! ALL of them. Classic history, knowledge, wisdom; books, art, and buildings; biographies and Encyclopédie entries; games, riddes and music!

A collaboration between Infinity, Lightning and Pendragon.